Monday, August 29, 2005

Tidal Wave of Support for Souter "Lost Liberty Hotel"

By Bob Ellis
dakota voice
Just 24 hours after plans to exercise the new eminent domain rules set forth by U.S. Supreme Court Judge David H. Souter in the
Kelo v. New London case to take Judge Souter's home to build a hotel on the property, a deluge of inquiries and communiqués of support for the effort have swamped the town of Weare, New Hampshire where the judge lives.
As Dakota Voice and others
reported yesterday, Logan Darrow Clements, CEO of Freestar Media, LLC, sent a request to Chip Meany the code enforcement officer of the Towne of Weare, New Hampshire which seeks to start the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road, the present location of Mr. Souter's home.
Mr. Clements wants to build "The Lost Liberty Hotel," which will feature the "Just Desserts Café." The hotel would include a museum, open to the general public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America. Instead of a Gideon's Bible each guest will receive a free copy of Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged.", a conservative organization dedicated to giving hundreds of thousands of hardworking, patriotic Americans across the country a strong collective voice in the political process, has initiated a petition effort to allow concerned Americans an easy way to email the five members of the Weare board of selectmen and let them know that they support the desire of Clements to exercise the newly granted right which Souter extended to him.
Dakota Voice spoke to Robert Christensen, the Weare Town Administrator, who said his office has been "inundated" with calls today.
Christensen said that his office is not making any statement at this time regarding Clements' request, since no matter what the outcome of the initial application, it would be some time before the matter would come before the board of selectmen.
Dakota Voice has contacted the U.S. Supreme Court Public Information office and is awaiting a response from the public affairs officer.

This just keeps getting better and better. I hope they shame these fools in the history books!
I even amuse myself that I find anything in common with far right groups like I think I may have swung so far to the left I may have come back around to the right! It reminds me of a time in the 90's when we were doing anti-forfeiture rallys and the Michigan Milita called me up and wanted me to join!

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