Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005 A year filled with good and bad.

Well 2005 is heading to a close. It's been a year filled with good and bad. THE PROCESS has had professional triumphs and disappointments but we keep on pushing the boundries forward ever, backward never! A high point of the the year was winning the 2005 Detroit Music award for "Outstanding World/Reggae Songwriter". One of the low points is the closing of AMPCAST one of our online indie music sites. We had reissued our back catalog through AMPCAST, however we were not able to make much revenue as the CD profits mostly went to the company (AMPCAST). I think that not sharing enough profits with the artists (greed) is really why they closed. So we will find another venue to release our back catalog. Most likely we will produce it ourselves and sell it through our distributor THE ORCHARD. However this will take some time as we are preparing our new CD for release. If you are interested in picking up some copies of our back catalog at AMPCAST you only have another month or so to do it, so check it out
Heres to a new year, hopefully one with more peace and love and less insane mindless killing. Best, David

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