Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Orchard

Hey guys, well I talked to someone at The Orchard today. They are no longer distributing physical copies of releases, (downloads only). "Imagine Led Zepplin without the album covers!" Jimmy Page. You can still sell your (new) physical releases through another outlet, however, not the downloads if you choose to distribute your downloads through the Orchard. As of this date we have sold 412 downloads through THE ORCHARD and received very little money.. Also they have failed to get us at i-tunes in a timely manner (i.e. we STILL aren't there). The person I spoke with regarding this matter said they would get us on i-tunes, but 3 years later? Its a little hard to take advantage of a buzz on the release, to say the least! For the new release I say screw The Orchard, the best thing that could happen to them at this point is GO OUT OF BUSINESS! ha ha, we will go with CD baby for the physical release or maybe try something else. We have options so stay posted for developments!

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