Friday, November 15, 2013

Review Magazine write up of Gypsy Wind.

THE PROCESS Present Gypsy Wind.

From Review Magazine Issue 780 (Published November 14th, 2013)
Written By Robert 'Bo' White.

Posted In: Arts & EntertainmentLocal MusicArtist Feature,

David Asher has done it again with his new single Gypsy WindAsher has a cranky genius that gives his best works an emotional coloration. He is a teacher and a linguist of the first order. He has a fear of putting out a short answer for it lacks depth and conviction. He has a mental compartment in which one thing is connected to everything else. He has a relationship with knowledge and he knows once he reveals it through his songs, it isn’t his anymore.
Because he breathes political fire with a strong dose of spiritual enlightenment, sometimes Asher is in a dark place. Yet it is soft and it comes together for him in a felt sense of what should be. He’s created a song that speaks of today instead of recycling stories of the past.
Gypsy Wind has all these elements working together in a quest for deep meaning and emotion, a quest for authenticity and the highs and lows of life in the roller coaster of time. In this moment Asher is truly alive. His artistic nature shines and his passion feeds his caring and desire to help the world as he discovers his true self. Listen to the music. The divine is calling
A gong signals a cascade of descending synth accents like a waterfall that refreshes and heals. The musical patterns established in the opening become reoccurring and dominate themes throughout the song. Asher’s composition contains several different musical and lyrical ideas that are similar in construction to an operatic movement.  As the synth fades the familiar reggae beat follows in that choppy and enduring rhythm.  Asher’s message is accessible yet profound. He seems to be singing about universal meanings when in fact he’s singing about his own life. 
Star Crossed adventurer
When will you know
When will you know
That you are old

Asher’s spiritual quest is confronted in the next verse
The race is not for the swift
The battle is strong
Better a poor and wise child
Than an old and foolish King

The chorus reveals his longing
It’s a restless wind
That blows you around
From pole to pole
With a gypsy wind

His search for spiritual transcendence
Who is this that comes out of the wilderness
Like billows of smoke
Who is she that comes out of the wilderness
Perfume and myrrh
And all the power of the merchant

Asher reveals his quest to enlighten the world
From the North Pole to the South Pole
From Hong Kong to New York
From Capetown to Cairo
From London to Los Angeles

At the coda a soulful heavenly voice brings the song to a dramatic conclusion with an answer, the only answer it could be.


The release of "Gypsy Wind" is from The Process’ forthcoming album to be released in 2014.
You can order it by going to

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